March 17, 2011


Another year older....for the girls that is. They turned 4 today and it was one of those days where I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Don't get me wrong, I am happy they are growing up, I'm not a big fan of the baby stage, or the toddler stage, but soon they'll be going off to school and then they get a sassier mouth on them, and then they become pre-teens, then teens (Lord help us), and finally they are out of the house....hmmm, that about sums it up.

These last 4 years have flown by. I can remember the day I found out I was pregnant, then we found out we were having twins, the pregnancy was HORRIBLE, and then they finally arrived. It all seemed like a month or so ago. Now they're 4 and sassier and naughtier than ever (well, not today, but you get the idea).

Lauren is still my space cadet. She loves being a free spirit and practices very hard on ignoring her parents...she's actually pretty darn good at it too. She's very quick witted. She says the funniest things and doesn't even think about what she's saying half the time, it just comes out. She's also a couch potato, LOVES tv and movies! Although she's the type that watches a little bit, talks a LOT, plays a little, and then repeats the process over again. She can't sit still for long, it's like she gets bored and needs to hear herself talk. I here "momma" about 500 times a day from her, I've recently thought about changing my name because of her. She LOVES dressing up like a princess and loves pretending she's a mom, a dog, a cat, a baby, and even a daddy sometimes.

Olivia (OG) on the other hand is my cuddle bug. She loves her back rubbed, her back scratched, and loves to be held. She loves to share her stuff with other people, she's very sweet. She loves to do crafts and actually sits there and works very hard on her pictures or whatever she's making. Her latest thing is writing her name. She can write it forward and backward (not sure what that means, but she can do it). She loves picking flowers, coloring pictures, and dressing up in dress up clothes. She would love someone to read to her all day long. Reading books are one of her favorite things to do. She also loves riding her bike, ice skating, and swimming.

They are both fun loving little girls. They recently in the last couple months started sleeping together again in the same bed. The last few days they've been sick and while being sick they're not sleeping the best. Unfortunately they keep waking each other up. Last night was one of the worst nights, so I tried moving Lauren back into her bed. Neither one of them wanted to partake in that. OG screamed bloody-murder, to the point I thought she was in SO much pain (being sick and all) I thought about taking her to the ER. Turns out, after I asked her what hurt she said, "I want to sleep with Lauren." So Lauren moved back to OG's bed and they fell fast asleep (for awhile before the next wake up). They really do have a close bond and it's fun seeing them together. They sure do love each other and we love them so much!

Today we spent the day together, even though Ally was at school, we still had a fun day. First thing this morning they opened their presents before Ally got on the bus for school. Then around 11:00 we went to the movies, we saw Despicable Me. After the movie we came home to relax a little bit (since the girls have been sick for 4 days straight). We did play outside for a little bit before Ally got home from school. Then Ally and I ate some dinner (the girls didn't want anything), Jerry went to school, and I took the girls to the Children's Museum. We all had fun, too bad the girls weren't feeling that great. The saddest part is, they didn't even want cake!

March 7, 2011

I know I said I would update this a little bit more often...and I know I've failed to do that, but on my defense, life is crazy. You try raising 3 little girls practically by yourself. I know I'm still married, but Jerry is a technically a single parent during the day and I'm a single parent at night 4 days out of the week (well, 5 for Jerry). So life is BUSY. Good, but busy! By the time I put the girls to bed at night, I just like to sit and relax.

I've been trying to find a hobby to do after the girls are sleeping. Frankly I've come up with a couple things, but I'm too darn tired to even think about doing anything after they are asleep!

It's been 2 months since Jerry started the Police Academy. TWO MONTHS! Holy cow! It seems like it was last week. Time sure does fly when you're having fun!...well fun for him at least. He loves the academy. He's learning things that excite him and interest him....and to go along with that, I'm learning a lot too...and getting a little freaked out by things. Now that he only has 8 more months to go, I think I get a little more scared everyday...not that I think about it everyday, but when someone asked about it or asked about him and how things are going, I get a little freaked out. I know he's a smart guy and uses his head wisely, but there are a LOT of crazy people out there! REALLY CRAZY PEOPLE!

Let's see, what's been happening in our world lately? I honestly don't know....I took Ally skiing for the first time. She did awesome, which really isn't a big surprise. She's a natural athlete. She was going down the hills by herself by the end of the day. She love it and wants to go again.

Over my birthday weekend Jerry and I got away without the girls. We went to Traverse City with our church for a couples retreat. It was really fun and much needed. We hung out with friends and learned about the 5 Love Languages. Something that I had already heard about, but it was interesting to go through it together at a retreat.

Last weekend we went to the Double JJ Resort with my parents and Paul & Amy. The girls had a blast and we were ALL exhausted by the end of the weekend.

I guess that pretty much brings you up to speed on what's been happening in our lives. Next week is the girls 4th birthday and it kind of shocks me that they'll be 4 already. I can't imagine them going to school in the fall....starting preschool is a big deal, but more about them next week...stay tuned.