Ally started preschool! What a great milestone in all of our lives! Monday morning Jerry and I took her for a short visit so she could see the room where she will be and to meet her teachers and some new friends in her classroom. She loved it, of course. Jerry and I have been prepping her for quite awhile now about school and that neither “mommy nor daddy” stays with her when she goes to school. So Tuesday morning I woke her up, she woke up with a smile on her face, ready to go to school. She got dressed, I got her some juice for the car ride and she said she’d eat breakfast at school…so we were off.
We got to school and she was ready to play, but I had to fill out some medical forms because of her allergy to peanuts. Once I was done, I gave her a hug and a kiss and she went off to start playing. About ½ hour later I got a phone call from the preschool, but they just wanted to make sure she could have eggs because her paperwork said she was allergic to eggs, which technically she is, but she’s never had a reaction, so she eats them all the time. I picked her back up after I got out of work and she was EXHAUSTED! She crashed that night!
Then comes Friday…Jerry had his surgery. He had a bi-lateral mastectomy. Originally we were supposed to be at the hospital at 10:30, but the day before the surgery they pushed it back to 11:45…so I worked a ½ day and then came home and got him. We got to the hospital about 11:50 and he got registered, then we waited. The nurse came to get him around 12:30, prepped him slowly with his IV, meds, etc…the poor nurse, I felt so sorry for her, Jerry was giving her a hard time. All he wanted was food, a burger to be exact. She kept saying “NO” and I kept laughing at him. Then she would say, “you’re not starving.” He would go into something else with her, and I would just in-directly call him fat….and the nurse and I would start laughing. Anyway, long story short, the 1:15 surgery time turned into 2:03. Finally he was wheeled away and I was left by myself. It was a little strange for me…so I went to the café to eat and I called Jerry’s mom to tell him about his surgery, since she had no idea (nope Jerry didn’t even tell him mom he was having surgery). After I ate, I went back to the waiting room, and waited…and waited…until finally the doctor came out and told me he was done and he did fine and he was in recovery, but I couldn’t see him for another hour. So an hour and a half of surgery, a hour of recovery, then I could see him, but then he had to go to ‘short stay’ for 3 more hours, yup, THREE more hours! AAHHH, we were there FOREVER! Luckily I have a great friend that came to stay with the girls while we were at the hospital! I’m not sure where the girls would’ve gone otherwise, possibly home by themselves. So once I went back to see him, I thought he was sleeping, but low and behold he was just resting. I sat down nice and quietly and he said “did you bring me food?” I started laughing and said “NO”. All he wanted was a burger, still. After he ate jello, crackers, a ham & cheese sandwich, he got his burger and a coke! Finally around 7:00 he was discharged and we finally made it home by 8:00. What a long day in the hospital! And since, he’s doing fine, just sore.
Yesterday Ally had a birthday party for her friend Maddy. Aunt Anne took Ally and Jude, while I took Ava, Lauren, & Olivia (I think I got the better end of the deal, they all took naps for me). When Ally got home, we noticed her eye looked a little red, then it started getting goocky…not a good sign…PINK EYE! We watched it and it started getting a little worse, but then looked ok. We went to Patti’s to say good bye to Kristi & Steve and the kids, they were headed back to the NC today. We ate dinner, the kids played, and we went home to bed. This morning Ally woke up and her eye was completely closed shut.
So I called the doctor and got her a prescription. I’m still not 100% sure it’s pink eye, but I’m not taking any chances, she WILL be going to VBS this week and she WILL be going to school this week! (What a nice mommy I am!) The only thing I can think of is that she got it from school, so she can give it back! As the day went on today her eye looked better. We’re not taking any chances and will keep putting the drops in, but the eye did look a lot better and no more goock!
So tonight we went to Aunt Amy’s parent’s house to see Uncle Paul and Aunt Amy. They got back from their honeymoon on Thursday night and tonight we had a family get together to see them open their presents. They got a lot of nice things and are excited to start their life together! The girls were really excited to see them, since they’ve been asking to see them for the past 2 weeks while they were gone. We’re all glad their home safe and sound!
I’m exhausted! And this week isn’t going to be any more relaxing for me!
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