So I had malfunctions with my computer and when I got it back, after it got fixed, I couldn’t download pictures from my camera…so low and behold I asked my genious cousin Amy to help me. She is a genious you know, I never would have thought to just put my memory card directly into the computer to download my pictures. Yes, that’s all it took. I could’ve updated this thing a LONG time ago if I would’ve thought of that myself. Oh well, I can just say, “I’ve been too busy! No time to update this.” It’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
So, what’s been happening, the WHOLE month of June, you ask? A lot! Let me bring you up to speed.
First, we took the girls to church for a fun Saturday June morning. The children’s director had organized a bus full of gymnastics things to come to the church for the little people to play in, little people meaning 0-3 years old. The girls found this to be quite fun, until grandma showed up. Then all they wanted to do was play with grandma, they love their grandma!
Second, I had attended many bridal showers for Amy, my new sister-in-law. Plus I, along with her sister Kari, gave Amy a ‘bachelorette party’ at my house. Amy was not looking forward to this night, as she’s not much of a partier. We promised to be nice to her, but when the stripper showed up, she just about KILLED me! Of course she had no idea it was a joke, until he said “just kidding, I’m just Kristen’s neighbor!” It was hilarious!
Amy & George, my neighbor!
Third, one Monday morning, I met three of my old neighbors, who I grew up with, and their kids at Cascade Township park. We ate lunch and chatted while the kids all played together. There were us four adults and 10 kids all together. It was a blast to get us all together and see all the kids playing. Hopefully we can do this again in the future! I love reunions!
Lindsey (Koby & Kyan), Missy (Evan & Alex), Carrie (Bretton, Connor, Lily), Me (the girls)
Four, a big practice for the girls at the church for the wedding day…my girls had never been to the church that Amy and Paul were getting married in. We weren’t sure how they were going to do walking down the aisle at the wedding, so we wanted to have some practice time. We took the girls to the church to let them ‘walk’ down the aisle. As it turned out, the little girls had NO problem, but Ally was a little sceptical (go figure). After about 10-15 minutes she finally ran, because she doesn’t know how to walk, down the aisle. The girls had their fun of running to Uncle Paul and then they practiced a little walking too. After the practice we all went to Paul’s house for a little bbq chicken on the grill. Mmmm, it was good food! 

Two naughty little girls (Maddie, Amy's neice, and OG) throwing rocks into the fish pond.
The mom's relaxing.
All but one of the little girls almost drown in the hot tub. Thanks Aunt Amy for saving them (and sorry you got a little wet in the process).
Fifth, Ally’s friend across the street has a tent that she liked to set up in their yard and even in the house. Josie, the neighbor girl, even slept in her tent during a nap one day…so of course Ally wanted to sleep in a tent too. So Jerry being the bright one decided to put up the tent in Ally’s room and have her sleep in it at bedtime. Unfortunately he didn’t remember how big the tent actually was. We were struggling to put up the tent for a little while, but finally got it up and both Ally and Jerry had to test it out. The next day it came down.
Sixth, Fathers Day! Fathers day was a little bit rough for Jerry, but we muddled through and I think it turned out ok. The day before Fathers Day Jerry had two side jobs, therefore that left me with the girls all day, which normally isn’t a big deal, but I had a paper due the day after Fathers Day and I just couldn’t get motivated to write it. So on Fathers Day Jerry had a nice time with his girls while I sat in our bedroom writing a paper. It really wasn’t too bad for him since he did sleep in and then he had to run to the store real quick (without the girls) and then while I wrote my paper the girls were taking a nap, so please don’t feel too bad for him. After nap time we all met my mom, Bob, Paul, and Amy at Cascade Township Park for dinner and playing. My mom and Bob came from up north, so they had the motorhome and parked it right in the parking lot. It was pretty funny since it’s a park, not a campground. But it worked out fine and we all ate and played. 
Jerry finally got him Sham Wows! for father's day. He was so excited, as you can see!
Grandpa filling up the squirt guns for the girls.
The girls decided it would be funny to squirt their belly's. It's a little hard for them to see lift their dresses and squirt at the same time, but it was funny watching them try.
Seventh, rehearsal dinner for the big wedding. Paul and Amy’s rehearsal dinner was at the church. It was a fun occation until we had to meet in the santuary for the actual rehearsal. The heat and the humidity were outragious! We were all hot and were not looking forward the next day being all dressed up in long heavy dresses and tuxedos…but we were looking forward to the wedding! 
All of the sudden my cousin Steve said "Kristen watch the fan!" OG, of course, was right by it and right as Steve said that her dress got caught in it. It's a fan from 1900, I think, and therefore there is NO protection on the fan part itself. Kari, Amy's sister turned around and grabbed OG before she stuck her hand in the fan. All the while, Pastor was oblivious to what was going on and just kept talking.
Eighth, WEDDING DAY! The day was perfect. Hot, but not too humid. Sunny and beautiful! A perfect day for a perfect wedding. I love weddings and I get very emotional at them as well, so I figured it was best to get the crying out and overwith BEFORE the wedding started. Weeks before the wedding I decided I wanted to give Paul something of my dad’s. So I found a watch in my dad’s jewelry box. I had a new battery put in and had it all cleaned up nicely and wrote him a nice card. I met him alone to give him the present. He read the card, opened the gift, and we both started crying and we hugged a few times and cried in each others arms. My dad would’ve been so proud and so happy for Paul to have found Amy and have her in our family. I know he was with us that day and I know he was sad that he couldn’t be there for Paul. So after Paul and I had our moment, I went back to the girls room where Amy was getting her hair done, with tears still running down my face, told Amy what had happened and she started crying, then two of her other bridesmaids started crying too. It was just one big cry-fest. But at least we got it all out…or so I thought. The day went on and we went for pictures to a park, it was fun and pretty and HOT. Then we got back to the church for more pictures in the un-air-conditioned santuary again. Once pictures were all finished we just waited for the ceremony to begin. Right before we were to line up to walk down the aisle Amy’s cousin said “one of the twins pooped.” I just about died. Amy’s wedding was going to be held up because one of my girls pooped. I raced down the hall to get a diaper and put who I thought had pooped on the nursery changing table, low and behold, NO POOP. I grabbed the other baby and took her diaper off, NO POOP. I guess it was better checking then making her sit in it for another hour, but dang I wish I would’ve really checked before I raced around. So we all get lined up to walk down the aisle and the mistress of ceremony opens the girls side door and ALL I see is Paul lighting the remeberance candle for my dad. Yup, I lost it again! And this time I couldn’t stop crying. I had tears running down my face as I walked down the aisle and as I was standing in the front and during the song we sang, yup, I was a wreck! Finally I concentrated on Pastor and what he was saying and calmed myself down. GEEZ, I really need to learn to control my emotions! The ceremony was wonderful, other than Amy almost passing out. The finally tied the knot and we were off to the reception. The reception was at Thousand Oaks Country Club. It was beautiful and the place was filled with family and friends. Again a perfect setting and a wonderful atmosphere, until the bride got sick. I was devestated for Amy. She had dreamed of this day her whole life and she couldn’t even enjoy it. She was miserable and I couldn’t do anything about it. I knew that she would want the party to go on, so I helped make that happen. I kept the dancing going. At one point my mom said, “have you even missed one song yet?” I had, but not too many. I was out there the whole evening having a blast and looking ridiculous, ALL for Amy! It’s the least I could do to help her and be there for her! I did have fun and NO I was NOT drunk, like some thought (I guess it was my dancing, I’m not much of a dancer!). Anyway, the whole day ended up being great, even though Amy was sick. 
So that just about brings you up to speed on the month of June. I’ll try my hardest to update this earlier next time. Until then, be safe and have fun!