One more day to get through and then 2 weeks off of work for me…unless of course there’s a snow day tomorrow. If I know of anyone doing a snow-dance I will NOT be happy, because if we do have a snow day tomorrow, I will have to go to work on Monday and we all know that I do NOT ever work on Monday’s and I really want my full 2 weeks off! NO SNOW DAY TOMORROW!!!
This week has been a VERY long week for all of us. Last week Wednesday Olivia got sick and spread it to Lauren & Ally on Sunday, and me on Monday. Lauren’s still finally just getting over it today. It took Olivia about 6 full days to finally start talking, walking, and playing again. Ally was only down on Sunday for awhile and I was down Monday night until Wednesday afternoon. It hit our house hard, but hopefully it’s gone for good!
This week has been a VERY long week for all of us. Last week Wednesday Olivia got sick and spread it to Lauren & Ally on Sunday, and me on Monday. Lauren’s still finally just getting over it today. It took Olivia about 6 full days to finally start talking, walking, and playing again. Ally was only down on Sunday for awhile and I was down Monday night until Wednesday afternoon. It hit our house hard, but hopefully it’s gone for good!
The girls crash landed Monday morning on the couch and fell fast asleep!

And then they crash landed on the floor....they just weren't in any kind of mood to move. Poor little angels!
Tuesday OG was feeling a little better, but Lauren was still not doing well...when one of them cries the other gets concerned, in this case, OG's concerned because Lauren's not feeling well...

We were supposed to get our Christmas tree on Sunday, but due to the weather being so horrible and the girls all being sick we decided to stay in…and we broke down and put up a fake tree. Yup, I actually did it…a fake tree. I can’t believe it myself, but at least the girls are young enough not to really understand the difference between real and fake. Otherwise we would’ve dragged our butts out while we were all sick, in the freezing, blowing snow storm to get a real tree. Next year we may just be doing that…but this year, we’ve settled for a fake tree. Monday night we put up the fake tree and all decorated it together. It was quite a scene with 3 kids trying to put ornaments on the branches…all in the same spot. We managed to put the ornaments on and sit back to enjoy it before we all had to go to bed. 

I know my children aren't looking too hot in these pictures...just make a quick note, Ally dressed herself (she did NOT go in public with a red shirt and hot pink pants on) and Lauren & OG are sick, and it's the end of the day, almost time for bed...I can come up with more excuses too, if you want...

Hopefully we’re on the mend from the stomach flu now and we’re praying this weekend will be a good one with Christmas on Saturday at Aunt Joyce’s house. Pray we all stay healthy from here on out!
I love the pictures, yes kids get sick..but they outgrow all that stuff eventually and it gets easier!
Your tree is just beautiful, have a wonderful, blessed Christmas!
Thanks Barb! You too, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)
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