What a week of Christmas it’s been for us. It started last week Friday, Dec. 19…I did have to go to work for about 2 ½ hours and then they finally closed the college, which all in all wasn’t too bad since I got what I could done, got to go home early, and I didn’t have to go back this week.
Ally is sitting on the snow in the driveway after Jerry snowblowed a little bit. It was perfect height for her.

This is the only picture I got with all 5 of the kids in it. From left to right: Lauren, Olivia, Ally, Liza, Sawyer...after this picture Liza wouldn't get in any more.

Monday was a day of rest for us…well for most of us. I went upstairs to start some laundry and low and behold water wouldn’t come out of the washer. Darn pipes…they froze on us. Jerry was messing with those all day long. He ended up cutting a chunk of drywall out behind the washer and in the garage. The project won’t be 100% complete until the spring, but for now he just wrapped the pipes with heat-tape. We’ll call it good for now.
Tuesday I took the girls over to my friend Kari’s house. Aunt Anne, Jude, and Ava met us there and the kids had a great time playing together. We haven’t gotten together like this in a long time. And we need to do it more often.
Wednesday, Christmas Eve, we went to my mom’s for Christmas with Uncle Paul and Aunt Amy, because they had to leave for Kentucky early Christmas morning. We ate dinner and open presents. The girls once again had a great time. They really got into Christmas this year. It was really fun watching them! After presents we ran over to the neighbors house to wish them a Merry Christmas. Joan and Tom are my mom’s neighbors and Lindsey is their daughter. Lindsey and I have been friends since I was in kindergarten. Her boys Koby and Kyan are now friends of my girls. So we dropped in to say hello and see them for a few minutes before church. Church was fun, and entertaining. The girls must have had a little too much sugar before church, they were running back and forth between family members and OG even took off down the aisle. We sent Ally after her. People all around us were laughing, but I’m sure they were thinking, “those kids are so misbehaved!” Oh well, at least they were smiling and the girls were definitely having fun. Then there was a surprise guest at church, Santa Claus…he came to wish us all a Merry Christmas. Lauren and Olivia thought that was so cool. They kept waving to Santa and yelling out “SANTA, SANTA, SANTA, SANTA!” Jerry and I thought it was very funny…again, I doubt people around us did. After church we brought the girls home and Ally and I left cookies out for Santa and his reindeer. Then all 3 girls were out like a light.
All of us sitting at the table eating Christmas Eve dinner (except for my mom, she's taking the picture).

Christmas morning we slept in a little bit. Ally ran downstairs and ran back upstairs to tell us that Santa had come and brought lots of presents. We all went downstairs and got the cameras ready so the girls could start opening their presents. Then Jerry’s mom and step-dad came. They had a lot more presents for the girls. Then my mom and Bob came over and brought a few more presents for them. WOW, we could barely move in the living room with all the presents that didn’t fit under the tree. We all ate a Christmas brunch together and the girls dug into their presents. Again, they got a lot of nice new toys and had fun ripping them open and handing them out and then finally playing with them. It was a busy day and they all crashed that night!

Christmas morning opening presents.

They got a doll house from Santa, they LOVE it!

Above: All of us eating Christmas Brunch, except my mom (she's taking the picture) and Jerry (he's cooking bacon).
Below: The MOUND of Christmas presents that grandma and grandpa brought over.

Today we started off playing and Jerry and Ally went to Meijer. This afternoon Jerry’s dad, his girlfriend, and Aunt Arlene, Uncle Marshall, and cousin Marshall all came for Christmas. We had a very nice pizza Christmas and a very nice visit. The kids ran around like chickens with their head’s cut off, they jumped off the furniture, they played, and laughed and had a grand old time. It’s always nice when we all get together. And the best part was the girls crashed within 5 minutes when they finally went to bed.

Grandpa and all 4 grandkids. Marshall, Olivia, Lauren, Allyson.
1 comment:
Who is that bearded man in all these photos??? ;) What a cute family! Love all the Christmas pics....looks like Santa was good to the girls this year! Did I know that Amy is moving in with you? How long will she be with you all? Hope you had a great New Year...sounds like our parents partied the night away (wink, wink). Things have been so crazy for us lately, so I am sorry I never arranged a playdate. Perhaps we could try for a time in January? What is your schedule looking like???
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