To give you a quick update since the last blog, the day before Thanksgiving Jerry was laid off from work. We still gave thanks at Thanksgiving because we’ve been thankful that we’ve gone this long with good jobs. We’re still thankful for many things and we are trying to stay positive that he will go back to work soon. In the mean time Jerry has been staying home with the girls. He says “it’s boring”, but that’s just because he doesn’t go anywhere. I would go stir-crazy too staying home all day, everyday. So I don’t feel bad for him.
Thanksgiving was a great long weekend for us. On Thanksgiving Day we went to my cousin’s for lunch. There were about 30 of us total and it was fun to see everyone and just have a relaxing meal with family and friends. After lunch and catching up we brought the girls home for a nap and then Jerry’s mom and step-dad came over for dinner. Needless to say we didn’t go hungry that day.
Here's all the kids (except one, Ben, he was taking a nap). From left to right, Wyatt, Sawyer, Lauren, Olivia, Madelyn, Ally, Autumn, and Liza. What good kids for sitting there while we took a million pictures!
Next we have the "older kids". From left to right, Kelli, Steve, Ryan, Will, Kari, me, Jerry, Esther, Jeremy, Amy, Paul, and Pete.
And last, but not least, the "old people". Since we all had to get our picture, and the "old people" never do, we all made them get in there together! From left to right, Bob, Doug, Myrna, mom, Aunt Julie, Uncle (Roger) Howard, Aunt Joyce, Uncle Don, Kim, John.

Saturday, Nov. 29 we had the Baragar side of the family over for a nice Thanksgiving get together. It was very fun and very busy. There were about 25 people, including kids. We had lots of great food and conversations. The kids all had a great time. The babies got TONS of attention, of course, and they loved it! Ally had lots of “friends” to play with and she loved it as well. Jerry deep fried a turkey and it was a hit! Aunt Julie’s peanut brittle was devoured! And yet, there was still tons of food left over…how does that happen? We should’ve had everyone back over the next day to finish all the leftovers.
Sunday, Nov. 30 we went to my mom’s for Bob’s birthday. Technically his birthday was Saturday, but because we had plans, we celebrated on Sunday. We had another turkey dinner, but it was great. Turkey is my favorite and you only usually get turkey like once a year, so in my opinion you have to eat as much as you can…so we did!

I guess that brings us to this week…nothing really happened in between, at least nothing worth mentioning. Tuesday we made cookies with the girls. They all cut some out, ate a little dough, and got flour all over themselves. It’s great fun trying to bake with all of them. I probably don’t have to tell you that we still haven’t decorated them. I guess we’re just not looking forward to another mess. Maybe Jerry and I will have to decorate them ourselves.

1 comment:
Hope everyone is feeling better! Sorry to hear about Jerry's job, that really stinks. On the bright side, it looks like he could go into the snowman making business! See you on Christmas Eve!
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