I remember the doctor asking me if I took any fertility drugs while trying to get pregnant. I said “no.” She then proceded to say “well, here’s one baby and here’s another baby” as she moved the ultrasound wand around my already popped out belly. Jerry almost dropped Ally to the floor and I started laughing and then crying. It really was the shock of our lives. Sometimes I still can’t believe I have “twins.” I look at those two beautiful little girls and think, “wow, they’re mine, they’re cute, they’re healthy, and boy are they naughty!”
We’re all doing well. Jerry finished his first college class the beginning of August and he is taking two more this fall (which actually go toward his degree program). So far he likes his classes. I just finished my 4th masters class, which was the most intense class yet. It was 6 weeks and kept me fully busy every free minute I had. Many thanks to Jerry for his understanding and to my mom and Jerry’s mom for helping with the girls on a few different weekends so I could get some homework done!
Ally started her 1st week of real preschool last week. She moved from the Bunny Room, which she was in this summer, to the Dinosaur (Dino) Room. Everytime we talk about the “dino room” Lauren and Olivia say “I want to go to the dining room too.” It’s pretty funny and sad because they really miss Ally when she’s at school and they want to go to school so badly. Jerry and I aren’t in any real hurry for them to go off to school…it’s EXPENSIVE! One more year is soon enough.
The summer was a busy one for us. It flew by. We did a lot of camping and playing outside. Our last two camping trips were with family. The middle of August we went to Indiana with Jerry’s sister and her family. We camped at Jellystone Park in their trailer for 3 days and had a blast at the waterpark and the playground. Here are a few pictures of our fun!
1 comment:
Wow...6 years! It seems like yesterday I was attending your wedding! My oh my! Congrats to the both of you! We love you guys!
Ally is a dino! I am sure her sisters miss her dearly. Is she attending full days or just a couple of hours? I am sure she is loving it.
I think it is so cool you did the bridge walk. Can't wait to hear more about it tomorrow! See you then!
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