March 4, 2009

It was a milestone in our house this morning...Potty training has been going on for a year and a half for Ally. Technically she was fully potty trained, during the day, not during naps or at night, since she was 25 months old. Within the last 5-6 months she's shown us that she can go through naps without a diaper (although she just about out of the nap faze now). So we've been working really hard on her not peeing in her diaper at night time....since she is 3 1/2 now and has been potty trained for a year and a's a little ridiculous that it's gone on this long. The biggest problem we were having, in our defense, was that she wouldn't poop on the potty. So she would always wait until she would have her diaper on and then poop in her diaper. So now that we've over come the pooping issue, we've been working hard at staying dry all night. She has done it many times last night was the big test, no diaper and she stayed dry!

And to add to that, she didn't even wake up in the middle of the night...this is a HUGE success for all of us right now too. Since December, I can probably count on 2 hands the times that she's slept 100% through the night.

I thought this was ALL worth mentioning...GOOD JOB ALLYSON!

Now, don't think the potty training thing is finished for our family yet...because it's starting ALL over again. The little girls wore their first pullups yesterday. They have been asking to go on the potty for a couple months now. I admit I haven't pushed them because it's a pain in the butt to take two diapers off and let them "play" in the bathroom on the toilet for quite a few minutes and then put two diapers back on. I just wasn't ready for the potty training to start this early (and I'm a little lazy)...butI didn't think they were ready either, it looks like maybe they're going to prove me wrong. They love their new "panties" (which are really pullups) and they want to wear them all the time. They are really cute and get so excited when they pee or poop on the potty. I guess it's time to start with them now too....maybe there won't be diapers in our future too much longer! I can live with that!


this is our life. this is our story. said...

Hooray for Ally! Awesome! So nice to not have deal with a poopy pull up any more. Hopefully Lauren and OG will take to it quickly and then you really can celebrate b/c pull-ups are expensive!

Dogmom Diva said...

That's great news oldest was the same way with the poop. He would die of embarresment if he knew I was even blogging about it, but we had baby Scott, Dan was 3 and we were going to lose our minds..He finally did the deed in the potty...Scott on the other hand was fully trained by 2..he hated diapers. Some day you will look back and have a good laugh..I promise!