On February 10, Ally had her first dentist appointment. She did very well and the dentist was very impressed with how good she was. I had to admit, I was pretty impressed with Ally too…she’s not usually that responsive to new adults.

On February 14, Jerry and I went to a wedding in Brown City. The wedding was for one of my old roommates from CMU. She’s from Brown City, but lives in South Carolina now. She’s a lawyer and so is her husband. We car pooled the 2 ½ hour drive to Brown City with my friend Tammi and her husband. Tammy was also one of my roommates. The drive over was quite long, but it’s always interesting being with Tammi. Old memories always seem to surface! ;) (The 4 of us, all college roommates, our 1st year at CMU. Once roommates always "roommates". From left to right, Steffanie, Suzanne, Tammi, me.)

Next was my birthday, on the 16th, my 31st birthday. I had a nice relaxing day. Jerry let me sleep in and then I took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon before my night on the town. Jerry and I first went to dinner at the Outback, which was delicious and then we met some friends/co-workers down at Founders Brewery. It was also one of my co-workers birthday as well. So it was fun celebrating the 2nd year in a row with him. (Birthday girl and birthday boy, Bo are both 31 and pictured here.)

A week later was my mom’s birthday on the 24th. We surprised her after church last Sunday, the 22nd at her house. We had a nice breakfast and cake for dessert. (Me, my mom, and my brother.)

This weekend was a fun one for us too. Friday night the girls had a beach bath. They wore their bathing suits and splashed and swam around in the tub…too bad the tub isn’t bigger. But they had fun and it was something different than just taking a plain old bath. (Olivia, Lauren, & Ally.)

Yesterday my mom and Bob took Ally roller skating for the first time. It took Ally a little while to get comfortable enough to actually put her skates on and try it, but once she got them on, she had a great time. (Unfortunately, I don’t have any picture’s, my mom has them on her camera.)
Today my mom and I took Ally to the Disney on Ice at the VanAndel. We had a great time. I think my mom and I enjoyed it more than Ally, but she had fun, nonetheless. At one point we thought she was going to fall asleep, but she was a trooper and only asked to go home once (at intermission). Her favorite part was Mickey Mouse, of course.
And my favorite....Beauty & the Beast!

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