Lauren and Olivia had their 2 year old well child visit this morning. They both did EXCELLENT with Dr. Howard and she said they passed their autism exam (it must have been a "behind the scene" sort of thing) and they're doing great!
The craziest part of the whole visit and is still shocking to me as I'm typing this is that they both weighed the same, they both have the same head circumference, and they are both the same height. This has NEVER happened to them before. The last two visits they have had the same head circumference and height, but Olivia has ALWAYS, since birth, been a tad bit heavier.
Weight: 22.14 lbs. (7%)
Head Circum: 18.75" (70%)
Height: 32.5" (15%)
BMI: 15.2 (20%)
They are both on the charts finally for weight and Dr. Howard was pleased to see that, so I guess they're as healthy as horses (and they act like horses sometimes too).
March 17, 2009

Olivia on the other hand is a whole other kind of two year old. She definitely fights for herself and pretty unfairly I might add…but she’s also a sissy. She throws a fit if she doesn’t get her way, she’s takes toys and thinks ‘sharing’ is for everyone else. She’s definitely a daddy’s little girl and runs to him when she’s mad. And she thinks her pacifier is the biggest comforter EVER!
Yes they still have their pacifiers, but not for long because Lauren has just about chewed hers to the max. It’s just about falling apart and I refuse to buy anymore! So once her’s gets thrown away, OG will be out a pacifier too! (She can fight with her sister about that one!) They are doing pretty well with the “potty training”. We still are NOT pushing the issue, but they both always want to sit on the potty and we let them. About 90% of the time Lauren will do something on it and about 50% of the time OG will too. They’re still doing pretty well in their big girl beds , but one of us still needs to sit in there with them until they are about ready to fall asleep or are asleep. They know they can get up andplay if we just leave them by themselves and then they never calm down. Like I said earlier, OG is definitely a daddy’s little girl, while Lauren is a mama’s girl. She is my little love bug and she knows it. They are big cuddlers and love to rock before nap and bedtime. They’re almost getting too big to rock, but of course I love doing it so we do it. They both love to sing and dance. OG can count to 10 and Lauren knows almost all the ABC song. They’re getting to be their own little people. Their personalities are showing more and more and it’s so fun seeing them grow and learn. They’re even starting to pick out their own clothes. It makes me a little sad that they don’t want to wear the same things anymore, but I knew that day would come at some point…sometimes I can still put them in the same outfit, or at least the same shirt or pants. Both of their sense of style is NOT so pretty, I might add…they both pick out weird outfits, not matching, different socks, shoes…you name it. But as long as they don’t go in public I don’t really care what they’re wearing!

I remember the day they were born like it was yesterday. Jerry and I had been in the hospital for 36 hours before they finally decided to arrive. I tried to push them out a day earlier, but they weren’t ready. Once the doctor broke Lauren’s water, it was ALL over! The contractions were there, I was dialated to 10 in a matter of a half hour, the nurses made me wait for another hour so they could get the surgery room ready (in case they had to do an emergency c-section with OG) and then I finally was able to push her out. I pushed for about 40 minutes and Lauren arrived and then I got to do it all over again…19 minutes later Olivia arrived and I was so relieved and in so much pain, I couldn’t stand it! It was a long wait, a long 9 months, and after they arrived I couldn’t tell you what happened for about 4 months…so don’t ask. I just remember being happy they were out and happy that I could sleep…well, at least sleep for the night because God knows I didn’t get sleep for many months after they were born! It was a rough time for me, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world…(unless of course you offered something REALLY good!) Just kidding! My girls, ALL three of them, are my world and they are the best daughters a mom could ask for! 

March 10, 2009
I think Ally’s just about mastered the no diapers concept! She’s doing great. One down, two to go!

Lauren sleeping in her big girl bed.
Since we’re on this kick of our kids growing up, we decided it was time to take the babies broken cribs down. (Plus it just wasn’t safe anymore for them to sleep in them.) So Saturday night was the first night they slept in their big girl beds. Of course they thought it was fun and games at first, but then once I stayed in there to make sure they stopped talking and playing, they settled right down and finally fell asleep. Then Sunday we did it again with nap time. Jerry went to his dad’s house for the day and I was left alone to figure out the whole sleeping thing. I figured if I take the cribs down they don’t have a choice of where to sleep…so I took them down and they’re doing great. At nap time Sunday they did very well once again, after I stayed in there to make sure they stopped talking and playing. So we’ve gone 3 nights and 2 naps so far…I think they’re starting to get the hang of it and are loving their big girl beds! (Plus now there’s plenty of room in their bedroom again for them to play, without the cribs in there!)
OG sleeping in her big girl bed.

Lauren sleeping in her big girl bed.
March 4, 2009
It was a milestone in our house this morning...Potty training has been going on for a year and a half for Ally. Technically she was fully potty trained, during the day, not during naps or at night, since she was 25 months old. Within the last 5-6 months she's shown us that she can go through naps without a diaper (although she just about out of the nap faze now). So we've been working really hard on her not peeing in her diaper at night time....since she is 3 1/2 now and has been potty trained for a year and a's a little ridiculous that it's gone on this long. The biggest problem we were having, in our defense, was that she wouldn't poop on the potty. So she would always wait until she would have her diaper on and then poop in her diaper. So now that we've over come the pooping issue, we've been working hard at staying dry all night. She has done it many times last night was the big test, no diaper and she stayed dry!
And to add to that, she didn't even wake up in the middle of the night...this is a HUGE success for all of us right now too. Since December, I can probably count on 2 hands the times that she's slept 100% through the night.
I thought this was ALL worth mentioning...GOOD JOB ALLYSON!
Now, don't think the potty training thing is finished for our family yet...because it's starting ALL over again. The little girls wore their first pullups yesterday. They have been asking to go on the potty for a couple months now. I admit I haven't pushed them because it's a pain in the butt to take two diapers off and let them "play" in the bathroom on the toilet for quite a few minutes and then put two diapers back on. I just wasn't ready for the potty training to start this early (and I'm a little lazy)...butI didn't think they were ready either, it looks like maybe they're going to prove me wrong. They love their new "panties" (which are really pullups) and they want to wear them all the time. They are really cute and get so excited when they pee or poop on the potty. I guess it's time to start with them now too....maybe there won't be diapers in our future too much longer! I can live with that!
And to add to that, she didn't even wake up in the middle of the night...this is a HUGE success for all of us right now too. Since December, I can probably count on 2 hands the times that she's slept 100% through the night.
I thought this was ALL worth mentioning...GOOD JOB ALLYSON!
Now, don't think the potty training thing is finished for our family yet...because it's starting ALL over again. The little girls wore their first pullups yesterday. They have been asking to go on the potty for a couple months now. I admit I haven't pushed them because it's a pain in the butt to take two diapers off and let them "play" in the bathroom on the toilet for quite a few minutes and then put two diapers back on. I just wasn't ready for the potty training to start this early (and I'm a little lazy)...butI didn't think they were ready either, it looks like maybe they're going to prove me wrong. They love their new "panties" (which are really pullups) and they want to wear them all the time. They are really cute and get so excited when they pee or poop on the potty. I guess it's time to start with them now too....maybe there won't be diapers in our future too much longer! I can live with that!
March 1, 2009
On February 10, Ally had her first dentist appointment. She did very well and the dentist was very impressed with how good she was. I had to admit, I was pretty impressed with Ally too…she’s not usually that responsive to new adults.
On February 14, Jerry and I went to a wedding in Brown City. The wedding was for one of my old roommates from CMU. She’s from Brown City, but lives in South Carolina now. She’s a lawyer and so is her husband. We car pooled the 2 ½ hour drive to Brown City with my friend Tammi and her husband. Tammy was also one of my roommates. The drive over was quite long, but it’s always interesting being with Tammi. Old memories always seem to surface! ;) (The 4 of us, all college roommates, our 1st year at CMU. Once roommates always "roommates". From left to right, Steffanie, Suzanne, Tammi, me.)
Next was my birthday, on the 16th, my 31st birthday. I had a nice relaxing day. Jerry let me sleep in and then I took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon before my night on the town. Jerry and I first went to dinner at the Outback, which was delicious and then we met some friends/co-workers down at Founders Brewery. It was also one of my co-workers birthday as well. So it was fun celebrating the 2nd year in a row with him. (Birthday girl and birthday boy, Bo are both 31 and pictured here.)
A week later was my mom’s birthday on the 24th. We surprised her after church last Sunday, the 22nd at her house. We had a nice breakfast and cake for dessert. (Me, my mom, and my brother.)
This weekend was a fun one for us too. Friday night the girls had a beach bath. They wore their bathing suits and splashed and swam around in the tub…too bad the tub isn’t bigger. But they had fun and it was something different than just taking a plain old bath. (Olivia, Lauren, & Ally.)
Yesterday my mom and Bob took Ally roller skating for the first time. It took Ally a little while to get comfortable enough to actually put her skates on and try it, but once she got them on, she had a great time. (Unfortunately, I don’t have any picture’s, my mom has them on her camera.)
Today my mom and I took Ally to the Disney on Ice at the VanAndel. We had a great time. I think my mom and I enjoyed it more than Ally, but she had fun, nonetheless. At one point we thought she was going to fall asleep, but she was a trooper and only asked to go home once (at intermission). Her favorite part was Mickey Mouse, of course.
Today my mom and I took Ally to the Disney on Ice at the VanAndel. We had a great time. I think my mom and I enjoyed it more than Ally, but she had fun, nonetheless. At one point we thought she was going to fall asleep, but she was a trooper and only asked to go home once (at intermission). Her favorite part was Mickey Mouse, of course.
And my favorite....Beauty & the Beast!
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