March 20, 2009

Lauren and Olivia had their 2 year old well child visit this morning. They both did EXCELLENT with Dr. Howard and she said they passed their autism exam (it must have been a "behind the scene" sort of thing) and they're doing great!

The craziest part of the whole visit and is still shocking to me as I'm typing this is that they both weighed the same, they both have the same head circumference, and they are both the same height. This has NEVER happened to them before. The last two visits they have had the same head circumference and height, but Olivia has ALWAYS, since birth, been a tad bit heavier.

Weight: 22.14 lbs. (7%)
Head Circum: 18.75" (70%)
Height: 32.5" (15%)
BMI: 15.2 (20%)

They are both on the charts finally for weight and Dr. Howard was pleased to see that, so I guess they're as healthy as horses (and they act like horses sometimes too).


Dogmom Diva said...

That is wonderful news..what a blessing they are to you!

AJD ∞ said...

Freaky... :]

this is our life. this is our story. said...

Way to go girls! Can't wait to see you Monday!