I couldn't stand it anymore...the girls hair was out of control....so I cut it. And if I do say so myself, it didn't turn out too bad (for my first time cutting hair)!

Here's Olivia getting ready for her haircut first. She was a little nervous...as I was too, but I couldn't show that to her.

Lauren went second...as I was cutting her hair, she was tilting her head...I didn't notice until I was just about done. Needless to say, I had to start over and make it even since it ended up on a nice slant. Her's is a little shorter than OG's.

Ally went last, but not least...I cut a couple inches off of hers. Her hair doesn't grow as fast as the little girls. Plus her hair looks a lot better shorter because it's so fine.

This was NOT the end product (but close enough)...because once everyone's hair dried, I had to put them back on the table for touch ups.
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