Four years ago today was one of the happiest days of my life, but it started off on a not so good start. On Sept. 28, 2005 I went to the hospital around 7:00 pm. I went to have a baby. I was a week late and my fluids were getting low, so my doctor sent me to the hospital to be induced, but because my cervix had not moved forward I had to have medication inserted to start the process of moving my cervix forward. The medication had to be in for 12 hours before the induction could actually start. Around 9:00 the medication was inserted and then the waiting game started. Jerry and I went to sleep, but then around 1:00 I woke up with cramps, low and behold, they were contractions. At first they weren’t too bad. I thought, “I can do this, it’s not so bad.” But then they started getting a little annoying, so around 3:00 I asked for something that would help me to be a little more comfortable. They still weren’t too bad, but I was tired…it was 3:00 in the morning. The nurse gave me stadol, a drug that definitely did its job of putting me to sleep. In between contractions I was out like a light, but still those contractions grew stronger and stronger until I couldn’t take the pain anymore. I opted for the epidural around 4:30, but because they were a little slow at getting it to me, I was already at 10 cm by 5:30 when they arrived…therefore, the epidural didn’t work and the contractions were outrageously painful. My back hurt so bad (because I had all back labor) and I was so drugged up from the stadol that I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Around 6:00 I felt the need to start pushing…it kept me occupied and the pain was less severe while I was pushing. I pushed for close to 3 hours until she finally arrived at 8:43 am. We had a beautiful baby girl! I remember asking “what is it?” because we didn’t find out the sex at our ultrasound. One nurse had called her “buddy” and I was all confused because I was convinced I was carrying a girl, but then my doctor finally said “it’s a girl!” I was overjoyed, but I couldn’t hold her until the nurses had checked her all out because she has swallowed the meconium while still in the womb. Once I finally held her for the first time, I started crying and couldn’t believe what a miracle she was. At 8 lbs. 4 oz., she was amazing! And 4 years later she is still an amazement to me. Allyson Jae Seevers is funny, silly, a jokester, shy, independent, a big helper, and the best big sister ever! Happy birthday baby girl! We love you very much!
Happy (belated) Birtday Ally! Your smile lights up a room! We love you and hope your day was the best ever!
lindsey, kevin, koby and kyan
Happy Birthday Ally!
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