Yesterday was a LONG day for all of us. I had to work from 8:00 am until 9:00 pm because we had a meeting last night from 6-9:00. Work is so busy right now with the start of school next week. Jerry has been working in Kalamazoo this week, four 10 hour days. He's been waking up around 4:00, leaving before 5:00, to work 6-4:30, and he's been getting home around 5:30 or 6:00 every night. It's just been a little crazy around the Seevers' house this week.
At about 5:10 last night Jenn, our nanny, called me to tell me that Ally had an accident. She was running (go figure), slipped on the rug by our back door, and fell (go figure). She ended up hitting her head on the corner of the wall and it split open and was bleeding quite a bit. I asked her what it looked like and she said she couldn't really tell because Ally wouldn't let her look at it. I asked her to put Ally on the phone. I was asking Ally a few questions and then I told her to let Jenn look at her head. She let her at that point and Jenn said it looked like it stopped bleeding and Ally had stopped crying, so I said "she's fine".

Then right when my meeting was about to start (6:00) Jerry called me and said that he thinks Ally needs stitches. So I told him I would come home. He said "no, that's ok, your mom can come over and stay with the girls". So she did, and Jerry took Ally on her first trip to the Med-Center. Sure enough, she got 3 stitches. The doctor looked at her knees and noticed that they were all scraped up too and said something like "she must be an active little girl". All I can say is "Thank God he didn't call CPS on us!"

Ally was such a brave little girl! Daddy brided her with ice cream. He told her that if she was brave, didn't cry, and went to the doctor that she could have ice cream when she got home. So off they went, she didn't cry, she flinched a couple times (when the first shot went in, and second when the needle went in to stitch her up). But she didn't cry, she sat still, and was SUPER brave! So grandma gave her ice cream when she got home. This morning she told Jenn that she went to the doctor last night and she was all smiles!
poor ally! the first set of stiches for child and parent is very traumatic. glad the ice cream bribe worked....just wait until the next set of stiches...that is another story...they actually know what to expect then (the ice cream may not work) hope you all have a great holiday weekend. enjoy the sunshine and blue skies!
Great...and because it probably won't be too far in the future that we have to make another trip to the Med-center, she may not fall for the ice cream bride. Thanks for the heads up, we'll try something else.
You have a great weekend too.
Hey Kristen :-) I did not know this was you...I found you through the VanderWoudes website! I see you have girls is fun, isn't it??
Kristen, your mom told me all about the episode with the stitches and what a brave girl Ally was..good girl!
Wow, I thought no one was actually reading our blog, but I guess we do have some out there, besides Lindsey! I know she always reads it! Thanks Linz! :)
Jessica, it's so nice to hear from you! I have to admit I read your blog every once and awhile and your girls are as cute as buttons! Thanks for saying hi!
Barb, I'm glad my mom passed our blog onto you as well. Now you can keep up with us and our crazy life! We're leaving for Seattle on the 17th. We'll be thinking about you. Thanks again for the offer to let us stay in your place, but it was just a little farther than we wanted to stay from downtown Seattle.
Hi Kristen, don't know if your mom told you, but we are living here in our little cottage right now..our house sold in So Utah and we will be here for a while...we are going to be gone the week you are here, otherwise we would drive over there and take you and Jerry to dinner. Have a great trip, relax, Seattle is a beautiful should be great. If you need any ideas of things to do, let me know! Barb
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