Today was a great day for everyone. Last night Ally spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa Bommelje and then they all went to Flint to see Thomas the Train. Along with riding the train they saw Bob the Builder, ate a snow cone, got tatoos, and took a quick 'bath' at the well pump. It was a long day, but good thing Ally got about a 25 minute nap on the 40 minute train ride.
It was a little strange only having 2 kids for the night and for the day today. It was SOOOO much easier. For all of you out that there only have 1 or 2 kids, be've got it easy! For those of you with 3 or more...well, you're ALL just crazy!
Today Jerry and I cleaned (without an interruption) because the Lauren and Olivia were taking their morning nap. Then we had lunch (without fighting). Then we went to the bookstore. Lauren and Olivia met some kids while looking at some books. The kids mom said that her husband is an identical twin and that she thought that Lauren and Olivia looked identical too. More and more we're thinking that they might be identical, but of course there's still no way of knowing without a DNA test. Someday we'll do one...anyway, after we went to the bookstore, we went to my Uncle Don's 76th birthday party. Uncle Don is my mom's sister's husband (for those of you that don't know). My uncle is a very special man and has almost been like a grandpa to me. A few weeks ago he was diagnosed with cancer in his lymph nodes. He is undergoing chemotherapy and just last week he got good news that the cancer hasn't spread, it's just in his neck. So with lots of prayers he'll beat it! What a fun day we all had!
It was a little strange only having 2 kids for the night and for the day today. It was SOOOO much easier. For all of you out that there only have 1 or 2 kids, be've got it easy! For those of you with 3 or more...well, you're ALL just crazy!
Today Jerry and I cleaned (without an interruption) because the Lauren and Olivia were taking their morning nap. Then we had lunch (without fighting). Then we went to the bookstore. Lauren and Olivia met some kids while looking at some books. The kids mom said that her husband is an identical twin and that she thought that Lauren and Olivia looked identical too. More and more we're thinking that they might be identical, but of course there's still no way of knowing without a DNA test. Someday we'll do one...anyway, after we went to the bookstore, we went to my Uncle Don's 76th birthday party. Uncle Don is my mom's sister's husband (for those of you that don't know). My uncle is a very special man and has almost been like a grandpa to me. A few weeks ago he was diagnosed with cancer in his lymph nodes. He is undergoing chemotherapy and just last week he got good news that the cancer hasn't spread, it's just in his neck. So with lots of prayers he'll beat it! What a fun day we all had!

Liza brought out popiscles for the kids. Lauren and Olivia thought that was the greatest gift ever. Here they all are eating their popsicles. Yummy!!!
Another delicious popsicle picture....not too messy for little girls! But that's because mommy and daddy caught the falls and they're the ones that got all sticky.
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