We're all doing great. No sickness (knock on wood) and just as normal as can be. We are struggling with finding Jerry a job but there are prospects out there and we keep praying every day and night that he will get something soon. It is a little stressful for me because I'm such a worry wart and feel like I always need to be in control of things...this is one thing I have learned I cannot control. God is in control of this and I am trying with all my might to let him lead the way. Although it is hard, I feel like I'm sitting patiently waiting for his big plan to kick in. Feel free to pray with us that Jerry will get a job soon and that we'll be able to pay all our bills again soon. :) Thank you!
The girls are still as silly and naughty as can be. Lately I find them nearly nude when I walk in the door every day from work. I'm not sure what that's all about beside them pretending they are cats and dogs.
Ally's school is going great. She's learning to read and write. She's counting to 100 (with the help of the game Shoots and Ladders). She loves playing in the snow! I've said this sense she was born and still say it today "she would live outside if we let her." She loves the outdoors whether it's hot or cold.
Lauren is just Lauren. She's my space cadet and my sweetie pie all at the same time. She's been pretty stubborn with her eating habits lately and I'm a little concerned, but I will know if and when it's time to call the pediatrician, so don't worry, time will tell... She also is my couch potato and she's my princess. From the time she wakes up in the morning to the time she goes to sleep at night she's got her purse on her arm and a dress on her body.
Olivia, she's just another character. She's really into painting, she like to create pictures worth a million bucks, too bad they're always on coloring book pages. Olivia is my stubborn child. She always wears a scowl on her face (I wonder where she gets that from) and she holds her own pretty well. I guess being the baby she needs to do that. She has her moments of tender love and care and she's so sweet sometimes you can't even stand it.
Thanksgiving was a great week. As I reflected on what I am thankful for, many things came to mind. Of course I'm thankful for my husband and my 3 healthy, beautiful, naughty girls. But I was also thinking that I'm thankful for HEALTH, life, and love. I have really been thinking about my dad lately and how he would've been 60 this past October. He was taken from this earth way too early and he never met his granddaughters, he never met his daughter-in-law, and he would've loved them ALL so much! I'm not sure why this year has been one of the harder ones without him, but he has been on my mind more these last couple months more than ever. I am thankful I have my step-mom back in my life. I am thankful that I have my step-brothers back in my life. I am forever thankful for my mom, step-dad, brother, and sister-in-law. I love them all so much!
This Christmas season we are going to reflect and rejoice on the day Jesus was born because between him and God, we are so thankful for many things in our lives and we know the big plan is bound to come and bound to happen soon, or at least start to happen soon for us.
Next year will be in interesting one. I'm sure it will be stressful, I'm sure it will be eventful, I'm sure it will be filled with memories, and I'm sure it will bring happiness to our family. I just pray it will bring the year that we've all been waiting for for many years. God is good and I have faith He will bring the good to our family, the good that we need.