Three years has come and gone. Lauren & Olivia were born three years ago today after a LONG pregnancy and a LONG 36 hour delivery. The last few days I've been looking at them in a different light. Trying to find the sweetness in them, look past all the crying, whining, and temper tantrums. Let me tell you, it's been hard, but it's also been eye-opening. I look at them and think, where did the time go? Don't get me wrong, I don't really missed those baby days, the infant stage is definitely NOT my favorite part, but I do like and miss the 12-18 months. They were cute, they were learning so much, they were so curious, and the best part, they couldn't talk back!
Right now, we are fighting every day, trying not to laugh when they are so quick with their answers. Lauren especially, she's such a fast responder and half the time it's something snotty or sarcastic that comes out of her mouth. How do you not laugh? Unfortunately we can't because it would be teaching our children that it's ok to talk back to someone and it's ok to be rude, but in reality it's not and we try our hardest to teach them that it's not ok. For Christmas my mom gave us a blank journal. I have been trying to write things that the girls say in it, funny things mostly, but sometimes I forget how they say it and it doesn't come out as funny on paper.
Other things they are doing: they love watching movies, their favorites are The Wizard of Oz, Annie, Strawberry Shortcake, and Beauty & the Beast. They got The Princess & the Frog for their birthday, so I'm sure that will be another fav soon. The weather is finally getting nice, so they've been playing outside, riding their bikes, and getting muddy in the neighbors sandbox. They also love coloring with markers, but OG has a problem with eating things and the other day she decided to eat a purple marker, so I had to put them away for awhile....speaking of eating things, she also has all of the sudden been biting on her dresser draws. Someone told me that she might be lacking a vitamin or something...I think she's just an odd child, but I will be asking the pediatrician about that when we go in a couple weeks. The girls are still best of friends. They get along great most of the time and are very good at sharing. I would even include Ally in that one, she's a GREAT big sister and loves her little sisters.
Their personalities are similar, yet different. Lauren is very quick-witted, she's funny, she's a chatty-cathy, her mind races so fast that she has a hard time talking sometimes, she doesn't act like the "middle child," she's a mother hen to Olivia, she's not as adventurous until she's sure she can accomplish the activity. Olivia on the other hand is VERY stubborn, she gets mad if she doesn't get her way, she folds her arms and glares at you if she's mad, she's afraid of the dark, she gets claustrophobic, she's afraid of heights, but also if VERY daring and doesn't think before she acts, she's definitely the baby of the family. They are both very loving children, they love to cuddle, they love to have their backs rubbed, they love to be rocked, they love to be read to, they love to just sit on your lap, loved to be held, they are both good eaters (most of the time), and they are both stubborn (but OG is a little bit worse).
We decided for their 3rd birthday we would do three birthday parties (really it wasn't planned, but it just so happened to work out that way). On Sunday we had my parents, Jerry's mom & step-dad, and my brother and sister-in-law over to help celebrate. The girls had a great time and it was very relaxing. Today we had the girls friends over for cake and ice cream. Again, it was very fun, they got to play outside because of the nice 60 degree weather. Then this coming Sunday we will have Jerry's dad and sister over for some more fun. What a birthday week for the girls (I wish my birthday would last a week).
Enjoy the few pictures from their short 3 year life thus far...

March 16, the day before they were born.

March 17, 2007, Lauren born at 10:52 pm, Olivia born at 11:12 pm.

March 17, 2008, 1 year old.
March 17, 2009, 2 years old.
March 17, 2010, 3 years old
(don't mind the Punky Brewster look).