Wow, time flies. I know I say that almost every time I type on here, but it’s amazing how fast life goes by. For those of you that don’t know, I have decided to go back to school for my masters degree in education. I plan to get my teaching certificate and plan to start teaching a class or two at GRCC. I’m not sure what class yet, but I’ll think of something. I have started my classes at the University of Phoenix Online. All my classes will be online throughout my whole program. The only thing that will be on ground is my student teaching. So far I have completed 2 classes and am on my 3rd. And so far it’s going well. Every spare minute of my free time is spent online doing “homework”.
And as you all know, Jerry has been laid off since Thanksgiving last year. He’s still home with the girls everyday and is not liking the fact that he’s home and with them all day, everyday. The ONLY good part is that we’re not paying for daycare…although I would rather pay daycare than have him unhappy. Jerry has also decided to go back to school as well. He wants to get into architecture and design, CAD. He starts his first college class on May 4, it’s math. He’ll have NO problem with that class what-so-ever.
Now on to the girls…what’s been happening with them, you ask???
Ally finished her gymnastics class on March 24. She had a wonderful time and the last night of class she actually “performed” for everyone in the audience. She did a backwards summersault (with a little help from me). She received a metal and a certificate from the instructors and she was so proud, as were we, of course! Other than that, she hasn’t been up to much besides hanging out with her sisters and playing with her sisters outside.

The nice weather has been great. We’ve been trying to get outside anytime we can. The girls absolutely love playing outside and running around. We also got some chickens for them to play with. The point of the chickens were to lay eggs for us, but in the two weeks we’ve had them they’ve only laid two eggs. That’s not going to get us too far in a family of five.

We had a very Happy Easter at Aunt Joyce’s house and at our house with Jerry’s parents. The girls didn’t get real “Easter baskets”, but they got enough candy and other stuff that they didn’t know any different. They had an Easter egg hunt at Aunt Joyce’s and they loved playing with all the cousins. It’s fun now that they all old enough to understand the holiday’s and “play” with other kids.

We also have decided to get a couple new memberships this year, one being the John Ball Zoo and the other being the Childrens Museum. We will probably be renewing our Meijer Gardens membership for at least one more year. We might renew it next year, but we’ll see how much we actually use it this year. Summer is coming and now we have plenty of fun things to do, inside and out.