1. My Aunt Joyce turned 75 years old on Jan. 23rd, we had a nice celebration at her house on the 25th.
2. We went to Gymco with our church. It was for 3 year olds and younger. The girls LOVED it and didn’t want to leave. They played for a little over an hour and then we all ate pizza.

3. Ally started tumbling/gymnastics class with her friend Maddy. It’s an 8 week class and she loves it so far. (I don't have any pictures yet...stay tuned!)

4. Jerry finally shaved his beard and his head…he’s back to normal again! Hip Hip Hurray!

5. Today we took the girls to the Meijer Gardens for the first time this year. OG was a little afraid of the big leaves and some of the plants, but she loved the little birds that were on the ground. 
After the Gardens we all went to lunch at Wendy’s and then...

Ally got her first haircut! It sure was an exciting day!