Friday night Jerry’s mom picked the girls up after dinner and took them for the weekend. (The above picture is the gift the girls left me to go with grandma. Are they sweet?) The girls love going to grandma and grandpa’s, but it doesn’t happen very often, too bad for mommy & daddy! Jerry and I went to dinner and went shopping, it doesn’t sound like a very exciting night, but for us, it was a night out on the town (since it never happens without kids).
Saturday Jerry had another hunting day. He didn’t get up at 3:30, but 4:30 he was up answering the phone because his hunting partners were calling. He laid back down for a little bit and was out the door by 5:30 am. He told me that they would have their limit of ducks or geese by 9:00, but that didn’t happen. He called me around 1:00 and said he got 1 goose, 1 duck, and 1 green-winged teal (which we’re not sure is really legal, so don’t tell anyone). These are NOT all Jerry's, but they are all the birds that were found between the three of them.
While Jerry was hunting, the girls were at grandma’s, I got a nice quiet morning to myself. I got to sleep in until about 8:15, then I got up made some hot chocolate, and started cleaning! It was GREAT! I didn’t get much done because I only had an hour and a half before I had to get ready. My friend, and roommate from college, Tammi, and I decided to drive across the state to Brockway, MI (which is in the thumb) for another one of our old roommate’s bridal shower. Yes, we’re crazy! It was a 2 ½ hour drive…each way! The shower started at 2:00, so we left around 11:30. We actually made pretty good time on the way there. We even got there early…which is a miracle in itself (Tammi’s not one to be on time for anything, let alone early to anything). So instead of being 20 minutes early we just drove into the little town of Brockway and sat in her car and talked for about 10 minutes. 5 minutes before the shower was supposed to start we decided to go find the hall that the shower was being held at…unfortunately the address that was on the invitation was wrong. It would’ve been really nice to know this in advance, but since we have never in our lives heard of Brockway, MI, we had NO IDEA where we were nor any idea where this hall was. Needless to say, the directions we had were obviously not right, the address we had brought us to the Dollar General. Even though it wouldn’t have surprised us if the freakin’ shower was at the Dollar General we didn’t see too many cars, so I decided to go into the Dollar General and ask where the “Speaker Township Hall” was located. You would think that someone that lived in the township would know where the hall was, especially since the township wasn’t that large, the two lady cashier’s had NO IDEA where the hall was located. My first thought was “are you kidding?” But then I thought, “what if there is no such place and we drove 2 hours to the middle of nowhere and now we have to drive home because there is no such place.” Luckily there was a customer that over heard the cashier and I talking and she knew where it was. After getting directions, Tammi and I left and headed out of Brockway to Speaker Township. We were only about 8 minutes late, which is still really impressive for Tammi! And the best part was we weren’t the last people to arrive. So we get to the shower and I tell Suzanne (the bride) that the address on the invitation was wrong and another woman over heard me and she said, “yeah, we drove right past it at first”, then another woman said the same thing…you think that someone would’ve said something just to tease the person that printed the invitations, but I guess I’m the only smart-ass that was a little irritated. Oh well…the most important thing was that we made it. So we stayed for the 2 hour shower and turned around and drove the 2 ½ hour drive back to normal-ville. At least I had good company in the car, otherwise the drive would’ve been not-so-good.
Tammi, me, Suzanne, Steffanie (our other roommate).
This morning was another sleep-in morning. Two days in a row is really unheard of at our house, well at least for me it is. I got up and was going to make Jerry breakfast, but he got up right after me. Ok, I still made him breakfast, which again, is unheard of at our house. And then we actually made it to church for the first time since…well, in awhile. After church we went to lunch with Paul and Amy and Michelle (a new friend from church). Then we were off to pick up the girls from grandma’s. Again, I stress, this must be Michigan because the weather on the way up to Howard City was a little bit of everything, sunshine, rain, wind, snow, hail, sleet…don’t worry, we made it just fine. We stayed for a little visit and then packed the car and drove home. The girls had a great time, were extremely spoiled, and a little wired from the HUGE bags of Halloween candy that grandma & grandpa gave them. But there was a slight accident today with the babies. They were playing, then fighting over the same thing, and Lauren wasn’t about to give up the item that Olivia wanted, so OG just bit her in the arm. Grandma didn’t go for that one, so OG had to sit in the corner for a couple minutes. Naughty OG! Other than that, I guess everyone was good.
Lauren & OG getting into Ally's Halloween candy...and loving it.
Another weekend has come and gone. Hopefully the week will bring as much excitement as the weekend.
The kids opening Marshall's birthday presents while Marshall mows the lawn.
Once the babies started falling apart we knew it was time to head home. The ride home wasn’t as quiet for me as the ride there, but it still wasn’t too bad. Olivia just couldn’t sit still and decided that losing her pacifier was a good idea, until she couldn’t find it, she wasn’t too happy with herself once she figured out that she really couldn’t reach it. She wiggled a little and finally had it in her reach, but while she was wiggling she lost her blanket…so she was still upset. Maybe next time she’ll just keep her paci in her mouth.
When we got home the 3 babies went right to bed, while Jude and Ally got to eat popcorn and watch “Dora Puppies”, as Ally would call it. They were so cute snuggling on the couch together. After “Dora Puppies” we read a book and they went to bed. Ally fell right asleep because she didn’t have a nap, but Jude didn’t seem to want to fall asleep. Around 10:00 I went up to go to bed and he was still awake. He had the light on in the bedroom and told Jerry and I that he couldn’t go to sleep. We tried to make him comfortable by giving him a fan and a book to relax him a little. Within 20 minutes he fell fast asleep….and slept until 9:30 this morning. That’s amazing to me, because my children have NEVER slept in that long…EVER! Our girls had a great time and we hope Jude and Ava did too. We can’t wait to have another sleepover!
Today was a much more calm day for us. The girls and I had our friends Lindsey and Kyan over to play. Since the weather was still cooperating the kids played outside for a little while before lunch while Lindsey and I got a chance to talk. After lunch we played some more and then they left because it was naptime for everyone. Amazingly all 3 girls took a nap for me and slept good. Lauren didn’t wake up until Jerry got home from work (4:45), that’s amazing in itself! After dinner I took the girls for a walk with our neighbors Jamie and Josie. Then we came inside and had a dance party. The girls decided to get naked, go figure, and after the dance party they ended the night by drawing on the MagnaDoodles.
Ally loved the slide. She kept going up and coming down, and going up and coming down. She could have slid all day!
We took a walk on the beach and made the girls sit on the log for a picture. They're so excited about it, as you can see.
Grandma bought Ally a Mickey Mouse kite. The weather was so perfect for flying a kite. She loved it and the $2 kite flew like the wind and was a HUGE hit for a 3 year old.
Amy and Paul had a kite too. The girls loved watching them fly it too. They kept going after it, but of course it was a little more dangerous when it came crashing down. Don't worry, they stayed safe the whole time.
The girls loved camping and we plan to do more of it, next year...not anymore this year. Fall weather is just not my kind of camping weather. It's a little too chilly for me...and Lauren and Olivia too!The whole family! Amazing that we're all looking in the right direction.