I know it’s been awhile since I last wrote to you, but since the last time the
Seevers’ household has been a little busy. September 17 – 21, Jerry and I went to Seattle, WA for a little vacation. It was our 5 year anniversary present to each other. We figured since we haven’t been on a real vacation since our honeymoon, now was the time to go…alone. So we packed our bags, had Jerry’s mom come stay with the girls and flew to Seattle for 5 days. The weather was cold, cloudy, and rainy. The sights we saw were pretty cool. Our favorite was the Pike Place Market. I just wish there was more of the local shops, but there were quite a few. We walked everywhere!!! We decided that we
didn’t really need to go back anytime soon, but we’re glad we went. We had never been there before and it was a place both of us had wanted to go. We had heard a lot about it and wanted to check it out for ourselves…so now we’
ve been there, done that, and don’t need to go back.

So now that we’re home, it’s back to normal…laundry, cooking, cleaning, and of course work. But of course there's always a little time to play too, and or dance in the nude.

This past week we also had to plan a very special birthday party for a very special 3 year old. You got it, Ally turns 3 years old today! Where has the time gone? I have been thinking about the day she was born all day today. ALL the pain she caused me (trust me, I’ll never forget that pain), and when the nurse called her “buddy”, I thought she was a boy for a half a second, and the crazy drugs they gave me to ‘help with the pain’, but all they really did was make me extremely loopy. Remembering all the things that happened that day makes it seem like it was yesterday and here we are three years later and two more girls later. It’s amazing how life changes and you have all the past memories to look back on.
Yesterday we celebrated Ally turning three. We had a big party for her and she did amazingly great. She was talking to her friends, she opened all her presents (with a little help from her cousins and friends), and she even sat by her cake while everyone sang to her. She did of course need a little extra help blowing out her candles, I think that was a little overwhelming for her. But overall, she was happy and excited about it being her birthday. A HUGE thank you to all of you that came to her party! She got so many nice presents that she even took a couple of them to bed with her. She got a new cell phone (a toy cell phone) that she of course had to bring to bed with her. As I was reading her a bedtime story last night her phone kept ringing, I thought, “man she sure is popular”! She would answer, “hello, yeah, I’m just reading a book,
ok, love you, bye”, then she would hang up. And of course the phone would ring again, and she would answer it, “hello, yeah, I’m just reading a book,
ok, love you, bye”. I just kept on reading, then Jerry came in from closing the garage and moving the cars back into the driveway. Ally’s phone rang again, I just kept on reading pretending I
didn’t hear it, Ally answered it again, “hello, yeah, I’m just reading a book,
ok, love you, bye”, Jerry lost it. He
couldn’t control his laughter and then of course I started to laugh and Ally just looked at us like, “what, it was someone really important”. She sure knows how to put a smile on our faces!

So today is the actual big day for her. She’s been laying low. I think yesterday took a toll on her. She actually took a nap for me, which NEVER happens on my watch. Tonight we went to dinner with grandma and grandpa
Bommelje. We went to Culver’s because they have good ice cream…Ally ate a pretty good dinner, so she got vanilla ice cream with blue and white sprinkles on top. She even shared a little with her sisters, she’s so sweet sometimes. When it was all said and done, or so we thought, Ally got a slight sugar buzz and was bouncing off the walls when we left Culver’s and when we got home, all the way up until sisters went to bed. NO MORE ICE CREAM FOR HER!